So much more to go

The other day I decided to start packing the library — my books. I packed one bookcase. That’s 6 shelves. I’m trying to purge as I go. There are now 5 boxes (I bought small ones so they wouldn’t get too heavy) and 3 bags. The boxes are to remove during work and then put back in. The bags are to be donated. So, so many more to go! I’m telling myself I’ll be doing a Marie Kondo thing. My plan is to pack all the boxes from throughout the house. Her method is to take out everything of a category at a time and then ask, “Does this give me joy?” to sort into what stays, gets trashed, or donated. With the books I also ask, “Do I honestly think I will read this again?” Still hard to let the good ones go, even if I doubt I’ll read them again. But I guess in that case they still give me joy, right?

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Recently I read a book to death. I’ve done that several times lately. I think This Peter Wimsey book was printed in 1987. 34 years old. Pretty long-lasting, especially with multiple re-readings. I bought a new replacement. Even in its sorry state it’s hard for me to throw away these pages and cover. Just the sight of them makes me nostalgic.

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Tub disaster avoided


That Powerlessness You Feel Is Called ‘Moral Distress’