Thanks for calling.


I don’t know why this memory has been floating around in my head lately but I keep remembering that when I used to call my mom and dad to check in and say hi, as we finished, Dad would say, “Thanks for calling.” It always struck me as kind of weird. I’d just say, “Yeah,” or “Sure,” or something equally nonsensical. I’d have a fleeting thought of, “Why did he say that? Of course I call them. He doesn’t have to say thank you.” It struck me as oddly formal. But I really didn’t think very much about it.

Then I noticed I said it myself recently. My son called to say hi, and as we were finishing up, I said, “Thanks for calling.” Why did I say that? I guess I just like knowing that he thought of me and then even took the time to connect.

I’ve been wondering. Is there a sort of equivalent response from God when we connect with him? It feels kind of funny to think so. It’s not as if God needs us to pray to him or think of him. But then I don’t really need my kids (30-40-year-old “kids”) to call me, either. Well, maybe I do. If they didn’t call, I’d be sad and think they must not care or think very much about me. Does God need me to connect to him? That doesn’t seem right. I don’t know. But it does seem like he probably likes to be loved and cared about, right?

In the creation story, God walked with Adam & Eve. Not to mention he created them. And the Bible says Enoch walked with him. He walked past Moses when Moses asked to see him. He stood on a mountain with Moses and showed him (Moses) the promised land. There are many times when the Bible talks about God walking beside people. And, of course, Jesus had companions for his whole ministry and sought their company and others.

So, it does seem like since God loves us, he likes to be with us, and it follows he is glad when we love him back. It is good to remember. God loves me. God loves you.




What if by Austin Channing Brown