We’re off like a herd of turtles!


We left yesterday (too tired to blog last night). We had everything in and packed, Randy hooked up the trailer in the driveway, got in the truck to leave, and…click…click…click—the truck wouldn’t start! What?! We used jumper cables with my car and then got going. When Luke texted me the next day asking if the truck started, I told him I said my and Anne Lamott’s favorite prayers: “Please, please, please,” and “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” It has been fine since. We’ll keep praying!

Our drive went fine. I apparently appointed myself public restroom monitor. Once at a truck stop, there were about 30 women in line for the women’s and none for the men’s. I stood there for a while but then went up to someone working in the store and asked if the women could use the men’s room. She said, “You guys can do whatever you want.” So, fine, she wasn’t going to help. I walked up to the front of the line and said, “Come on you guys, we can use the men’s room.” Several followed me but when I came out, there they were again, all lined up like sheep. I said, “We can use the men’s,” and a guy standing by even said something about it being fine, too, but the women just shyly looked at me and stayed in line.Then another time there were two bathrooms, unisex, but the men had made two lines—one for each door. They were right next to each other so I stood in the center and as people came up I said I was waiting for whichever opened first. How ridiculous can people be. For Pete’s sake.

We stopped briefly at San Luis Reservoir. It was so pretty to see it so full of water.

Other parts of the ride were beautiful, too. We listened to a lot of the podcast “The Rest is History,” which we both really enjoy, part of a John Grisham audiobook, and some ‘70’s and ‘80’s acoustic playlist on Spotify. All very pleasant. We made it to Flagstaff and stayed there for the night. Once again, the roads were very bumpy in places and kept the trailer bouncing like crazy. When Randy checked it, two drawers had fallen out. We’re hoping things will be okay when we get to our campsite. One way or another I think we’ll figure it out.


Lunch with friends!


The Atlas